eyelash extension

A well-made eyelash extension does not spoil your eyelashes, so it does not affect the process of updating them. However, if the technology has been disrupted, this can lead to sad consequences.

Having decided to acquire beautiful and thick eyelashes, many girls are faced with allergic reaction due to the extension of artificial eyelashes in beauty parlors. A false eyelashes itchy allergy appears unexpectedly and can have a lot of unpleasant symptoms.

It should be noted that swelling and itching of the mucosa are the most common symptoms of intolerance to eyelash extensions.

Why eyelashes are uncomfortable

Stitching sensations, itchy while wearing fake eyelashes and squinting eyes indicates that, the extension was not observed with a mandatory margin of 0.5 mm. The eyelashes should be extended with a slight indentation so that the edge of the extended eyelashes does not pierce the eyelid.

Half a millimeter is enough to not cause discomfort while being invisible.

false eyelashes

If the eyes after eyelash extensions are constantly itching, then most likely the master allowed gluing during eyelash extensions. When gluing together several eyelashes, the one that is in the growth stage will pull the one that is at rest, which causes itching.

Sagging eyelashes indicate that the size and thickness of the artificial eyelashes were not chosen correctly. If artificial eyelashes are too heavy for their own, then the native eyelashes sag.

A swollen eyelid after extension can signal an allergy to glue or a lack of indentation, in which the eyelashes dig into the eyelid.

Redness of the eyes after building-up is a consequence of either irritation caused by improper use of the substrate to isolate the lower eyelashes – irritation is caused by the contact of the substrate with the mucosa during the procedure.

Or the result of the evaporation of glue on the mucous membrane of the eye, this happens if the eyes open during building

Poor eyelash extension effects

Lack of indentation not only gives discomfort, but can also cause swelling of the eyelid

Gluing is a terrible sin of a lashmaker, as it is they that lead to eyelash loss

As well as too thick and long eyelashes, under which their eyelashes first sag, and then fall out along with the extensions

What to do if eyelashes itch, prick, fall out

If you feel any of the above “symptoms”, then immediately contact a specialist to remove eyelashes.

Clients with similar problems of itchy eyes after eyelash extensions often come to us after building-up by woe-masters, but we will not show photos of the consequences of such eyelash extensions, we will only advise you to keep your eyelashes and trust their professionals.